July 2023
European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB): Call for peace

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has now been raging for over 600 days. Hundreds of thousands of people have already died, not only soldiers, but also women and children, patients in hospitals, mothers with their newborns and old people in nursing homes. Now, an unimaginably brutal terrorist attack by Hamas has cost the lives of so many civilian citizens and visitors to Israel in one day, shattered hopes as not since the Shoah, taken hostages, not only those taken from the territory of Israel, but also its own people, the Palestinian families living in the Gaza Strip. Hundreds of thousands resettled or forced to flee, countless human tragedies, lives senselessly destroyed. All these human lives have the same value, are irreplaceable, independently of age, gender, religion, nation or political belief. Read our full statement here >

EFSUMB on tour .....

The UEG Ultrasound Learning Area at
UEG Week 2023 14-17 October 2023, Copenhagen

Ultrasonography for the Gastroenterologist


October brought an important event for the European gastroenterologists and not only – The UEG Week 2023, 14-17 October 2023 Copenhagen. The meeting brought together around 11,000 participants (from whom only 12% online) from 119 countries for 4 days of Gastroenterology and Hepatology scientific sessions, original abstracts presentations, industry symposia, hands on training and other scientific activites.

The Ultrasound Learning Area from UEGW, run in courtesy of EFSUMB and BICUS, promotes the role of a major diagnostic and interventional tool in gastroenterology: clinical ultrasonography in the hands of the gastroenterologist.

This year the Ultrasound Learning Area offered basic and advanced postgraduate courses on ultrasonography, individual hands-on training and special lectures in Gastrointestinal Ultrasound and Multiparametric Ultrasound in Gastroenterology. The programme was designed for both young and senior gastroenterologists, with or without experience in ultrasonography, and also for those with an interest in the new developments in ultrasound based techniques. 

The faculty members, well known European experts in ultrasound, helped the participants of the ULA program to discover the usefulness of ultrasonography in gastroenterological and hepatological pathology and initiated them in the protocol of systematic abdominal ultrasound examination.


More than 250 participants took part in the ULA activities during the 4 days of congress and benefited from the theoretical and practical activities from the program that was supported also by the industry sponsors: General Electric Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers and Mindray Medical.

Special thanks to the Course Directors Alina Popescu, Timişoara, Romania and Christian Jenssen, Strausberg-Wriezen, Germany.

To view the programme and more images from our time at UEG please visit https://efsumb.org/ueg23/

ULTRASCHALL 2023. Mainz, Germany

The 46th DEGUM three-country meeting in collaboration with ÖGUM & SGUM took place 11-14 October. The  successful meeting with 1890 participants was held in Mainz, Germany organised by  Prof. Dr. med. Dirk-André Clevert, München and PD Dr. med. André Farrokh, Kiel
EFSUMB was invited to join the SGUM, ÖGUM and DEGUM secretariats.
Next year's DLT will take place in Salzburg 2-4 October 2024.

Baltic Paediatric Ultrasound School

The Euroson School of Paediatric Ultrasound was held in the beautiful city of Vilnius, Lithuania with 120 participants. 
Prof Algiradas Tamosiunas welcomed everyone to the course held at the Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos. It was Prof Tamosiunas who brought Lithuania into EFSUMB in 2009. The course was well organised by Andrius Cekuolis and Arturas Samuilis with lectures from Profs Paul Sidhu, Wojciech Kosiak from EFSUMB, Joanna Kasznia-Brown form European Society of Paediatric Radiology in addition to speakers from the Baltic Countries.

WFUMB 2023 in Muscat, Oman

EJU Editor Elected

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Prof Alina Popescu as the new Executive Editor of the EJU


Could you please present yourself for our readers?

I am Alina Popescu, Professor of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timișoara, PhD in Gastroenterology, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the “Pius Brânzeu” Emergency County Clinical Hospital Timișoara. Currently I am the Treasurer of EFSUMB and Past President of the Romanian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (SRUMB) for 2020-2022, former member of the Education and Professional Standards Committee of EFSUMB and of the World Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) Student Education Committee.


Could you tell us some words regarding your new position as official representative of EFSUMB on the Board of Editors of “Ultraschall in der Medizin / European Journal of Ultrasound” (UiM/EJU)?


My nomination by The Romanian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (SRUMB) as a candidate for this important position and the confidence that the delegates showed me by voting for me, honors me and at the same time obliges me. This is even more so since the position was previously occupied by the EFSUMB President Elect Vito Cantisani, whose activity at the level of the journal was extremely important and dedicated. I want to rise to the expectations of all those who have given me this trust and to whom I thank for their support. I would also like to thank Thieme, the publishing house, for welcoming me to the journal.


Can you give us some insights of what means this position?


Medicine cannot progress without research, and the scientific community needs strong and reliable partners for presenting the results of their work. I think that Thieme and Ultraschall in der Medizin / European Journal of Ultrasound are such partners, and I am grateful to be part of their activity. Through my commitments at the journal’s level, I would like to contribute to the increase of knowledge in ultrasound by bringing to the attention of the medical world the progress that ultrasonography is constantly making from the level of basic research to clinical experience. But this can be done only with the support of the ultrasound scientific community as both contributors and reviewers of the new materials seeking the light of publication.

Part 2: PoCUS Guidelines

Bob Jarman updates us on the Non Traumatic Abdominal Pain PoCUS Part 2
We have completed the 12 research questions and search strategies, which reflect the range of point-of-care ultrasound applications for abdominal pain. These were revised to meet the latest Cochrane standards for diagnostic systemic reviews in order to ensure that the most robust process has been followed and our subsequent statements/recommendations are based on the best evidence. Our librarian team have conducted most of the searches and the completed ones have been passed to the research teams for screening, data analysis, quality assessment and data synthesis. The invites for the expert review group are about to be sent and the proposed membership of this group covers an impressive international collection of clinicians and academics with an interest and expertise in point-of-care ultrasound. They will be tasked with ensuring that the research questions and systematic process to find the evidence is robust and fit for purpose. They will then contribute to the consensus opinion and level of agreement for a number of statements and recommendations covering all the research question areas. We are hopeful that the consensus process will be completed early in 2024, with the completed clinical practice guidelines ready for submission for publication by Spring 2024. 

Multiparametric Ultrasound - Thyroid Guidelines


Thyroid nodules are being increasingly detected during thyroid evaluations or incidentally during ultrasound examinations for other clinical purposes [1] or screening programs, thus leading to potential over diagnosis and over treatment. Therefore, the present thyroid nodule epidemic represents a challenge for clinical management, since the vast majority of identified nodules end up being diagnosed as benign. The clinical practice guidelines limit the number of nodules to be submitted to fine-needle aspiration cytology, and selection no longer relies upon size and growth pattern.


The role of ultrasonography is expanding to include not only initial diagnosis but also risk stratification, selection of nodules to be submitted to FNAC, management and follow-up of nodules with indeterminate cytology, and even provision of prognostic information. Technology developments including CEUS and US-elastography have resulted in new prospects in ultrasound, leading to the possibility of performing multiparametric ultrasound as advocated. However, stilli it is not clear the role of single parameter or the necessity to put together all of them, EFSUMB decided to contribute with a Guideline on thyroid nodules MPUS, reporting on limits and trying to asnwer all the open issues grouping together a panel of multidisciplinary experts in the field.


The group applied the Delphi strategy, with a systematic literature search done by librarians and according to the established PICO questions. The guideline is ongoing.


PoCUS in Primary Care Task Force

EFSUMB has established a task force group of general practitioners, paediatricians and frontline physicians to establish a PoCUS core curriculum for frontline physicians in primary care. The task force group includes several specialists from several European countries. The first real life meeting of the group took place in Riga during Euroson 2023. Before this, several online meetings had been used to discuss the different skills and needs across different countries and how to proceed. It was decided to continue with a Delphi study to develop a list of PoCUS examinations suitable for a core curriculum. The recruitment of participants for the Delphi study has just ended after intensive work. More than 100 primary care doctors from 28 European countries have been recruited and the Delphi process is about to begin.

The result of the study will hopefully be published in 2024.

EFSUMB would like to thank all the members of the task force group, especially Camilla Aakjær Andersen who has been leading the process. We would also like to thank all the participants who have volunteered to participate in the process.

Upcoming EUROSON Schools

Upcoming Endorsed Courses

EFSUMB Webinars

The EFSUMB CEUS Webinar 3 event, 'CEUS in kidney, trauma and children', took place on Wednesday 20 September 2023 at 17.00 CEST, chaired by Paul Sidhu and hosted by Sintesi on behalf of EFSUMB. View the introduction below and all presentations from the link
The EFSUMB Webinar event, 'Recent advancement in breast ultrasound- creating value for patient along the care pathway', took place on Monday 23 October 2023, sponsored by GE Healthcare and hosted by Sintesi on behalf of EFSUMB. View the speakers and the presentations will be available in the archive shortly afterwards.
The re-introduction of the Student Image Challenge has been one of our latest success stories. Visit to this section of our website are up by 670% in the last month with not only the latest cases being viewed, but also some of the archived cases gaining a lot of attention not only on the website but via our Social media Channels.
We thank our Student Committee for their dedication in getting this resource back up and running after a break!
Recent EUROSON School Success
EUROSON School: International Course in Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound, Hepatic and Extrahepatic Indications, took place on the 18th-21st October 2023.This annual course had 40 participants at a hybrid meeting organised by Dirk Clevert and Hans Peter Weskott was a great success.

View the photos from the course here >
EFSUMB Journal Club
The EFSUMB Publications Committee would like to start up the Journal Club with must read publication recommendations - look out for this COMING SOON!
AFSUMB WFUMB Student Webinars Series
The WFUMB-AFSUMB Student Webinars take place across 2023 – 2024 on the second Saturday of the scheduled months. Each webinar consists of two one hour lectures and will take place via Zoom connection in English language. Sign up here to attend the next webinar > https://wfumb.info/register-students-webinar/
Webinar 1: Ultrasound of Salivary Gland and Prostate
Took place on 09 September 2023 -  View presentation here >

Webinar 2: Ultrasound safety, technology and development
Took place on 14 October 2023 - View presentation here >
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